Inteligência Artificial

Quatro previsões importantes sobre o futuro da IA no contact center

Margi Deinlein

Por Margi Deinlein

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Key Predictions For Future Of Ai In The Contact Center

À medida que a IA ganha mais espaço e maturidade na experiência do cliente, um novo relatório da Talkdesk Research revela o que esperar dessa tecnologia no contact center.

Talkdesk Research™ delivers industry-leading insights on customer experience (CX). The future of AI in the contact center report outlines the key findings of a quantitative online survey with 916 interviews among CX professionals across 11 different global markets.

As you prepare to implement or augment AI in your contact center, this report will orient you on what to expect from AI and customer experience for the coming years.

IA está ganhando força no contact center

AI continues to prove its ability to reduce manual effort, expedite innovation, and improve customer service. AI-powered tools, such as virtual agents and agent assistants, can now reliably perform critical contact center tasks with limited human intervention.

Já os profissionais de CX começaram a reconhecer a oportunidade cada vez mais evidente para o uso de IA e sua capacidade de melhorar a experiência do cliente - principalmente no contact center. Apesar do crescente interesse e investimento em tecnologias de IA no contact center, ainda há espaço para adotá-la de forma mais abrangente e transformadora.

Com base nas respostas da nossa pesquisa global, chegamos a quatro importantes previsões que irão determinar como a IA moldará a experiência do cliente no contact center de 2021 a 2025.

Primeira previsão: as empresas investirão mais em recursos de IA. 
Organizations are increasing their investment in AI/automation and will continue to do so. The growing evidence in AI’s maturity and proven technologies, as well as pressure to deliver faster, more accurate, and scalable service, is pushing AI maturity further.Organizations Will Invest More In Ai Capabilities Sl SwapPrediction 2: Automation will drive operational efficiency and CX.
AI is perceived as a driver of increased efficiency. Automating processes and workflows allows organizations to save time both for agents and customers. AI also supports new customer service models in which customers can solve their own queries through self-service options.Automation Will Drive Operational Efficiency And Cx Sl SwapPrediction 3: Humans will rise in the AI-enabled contact center. 
For many years, there was some fear that AI would replace human agents. As technology matures, AI is understood to be a tool for human agents rather than their replacement. As AI reshapes the way contact centers operate, the role and necessary skills of the human agent are also expected to shift.Humans Will Rise In The Ai Enabled Contact Center Sl SwapPrediction 4: AI will streamline the customer journey securely. 
In the coming years, CX professionals will seek to leverage AI and automation to create a smoother, simpler, and more secure customer experience.Ai Will Streamline The Customer Journey Securely Sl SwapFor further detail about these four key predictions and the future of AI in customer experience and the contact center, download the report The future of AI in the contact center.

Future Of Ai Customer Experience Contact Center


O futuro da IA no contact center


Margi Deinlein

Margi Deinlein

Margi Deinlein passou sua carreira ajudando organizações em uma variedade de setores a alavancar a percepção dos clientes e do mercado para melhorar suas estratégias de marketing e negócios. Margi encontra-se em Denver, Colorado, onde passa a maior parte de seu tempo livre em cafeterias, espaços de eventos musicais e clubes de comédia.