Contact Center Trends

CX trends 2024: The impact of technology on customer experience

Celia Cerdeira

By Celia Cerdeira

0 min read

Cx Trends 2024 Impact Technology Customer Experience

AI-powered features make the top three customer experience trends. This is one of the key findings of The Global State of CX 2024 report, which asked 282 customer experience practitioners, service leaders, experience designers, analysts, and consultants from around the world. When asked about the three CX trends they believe will most impact their role 42% said data and analytics, 39% AI technologies for operations, and 37% automation.

As we move through 2024, the impact of technology on customer experience continues to grow. Customer service managers need to keep the pace with technological innovations and integrate them strategically into their operations. The focus should be on choosing technologies that align with business objectives and meet customer expectations to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn drives business success.

From the seamless integration of generative AI to the immersive possibilities of AR/VR, these innovative technologies are creating a new era of personalized, intuitive, and deeply engaging customer experiences. Exceptional customer experience (CX) is the (not so) secret ingredient that transforms occasional visitors into brand advocates, it can either drive success or result in missed opportunities

Hero Global State Of Cx 2024


The global state of CX 2024

Learn about the trends defining CX in 2024 and how they’ve been shaped by new technological developments, changing customer demands and the continued digitalization of the modern enterprise.

The impact of disruptive technologies shaping CX trends.

Emerging, disruptor technologies are catalysts for redefining business objectives and success.

Generative AI: Crafting personalized customer experiences.

Generative AI is making waves in CX with 28% of companies reporting improved customer loyalty and 39% seeing profit gains. More than just a CX trend, it’s transforming customer service through tailored experiences that feel uniquely designed for each customer. Generative AI empowers businesses to not only understand customer preferences but also anticipate their needs before they articulate them. However, 43% of businesses have yet to adopt it, missing out on its strategic advantages. This gap presents a significant opportunity for those who choose to embrace generative AI, as it could be the key to staying ahead in an increasingly competitive industry.

For example, companies that invested in generative AI are seeing a significant return on investment through improved customer satisfaction and retention. For example, e-commerce platforms are utilizing generative AI to offer personalized shopping recommendations and generating custom content. The result? A shopping experience that feels less transactional and more relational.

In the coming year, generative AI is expected to drive significant advancements in hyper-personalized customer experiences. This technology will go beyond basic personalization, dynamically adjusting content, offers, and recommendations based on individual customer data. By providing tailored experiences that align with each customer’s unique preferences and needs, generative AI will strengthen connections, increase engagement, and boost customer satisfaction and loyalty to new levels.

However, successful adoption requires a strategic approach. Transparency in AI decision-making processes and respecting customer data privacy are critical. Companies must ensure their AI solutions are not only effective but also ethical and safe, maintaining trust with their customers.

Journey orchestration: Seamless interactions across channels.

The customer journey is no longer a linear path but a complex web of interactions across multiple touchpoints. Journey orchestration technology allows businesses to map, manage, and optimize these interactions in real-time ensuring a cohesive and memorable customer experience. Journey orchestration is becoming an increasingly popular CX trend, with 45% of companies experiencing loyalty benefits and 40% reporting profit gains.

Consider a customer interacting with a brand via social media, transitioning to a mobile app, and finally purchasing on a desktop site. Journey orchestration tools ensure that each touchpoint is interconnected and contextually aware, providing a seamless experience that feels natural and intuitive. This technology helps businesses break down silos, delivering a unified experience that resonates with customers. Still, 32% of organizations have not yet embraced journey orchestration, missing out on the opportunity to drive greater engagement across different channels.

Data analytics: Informed decision-making.

In the age of information, data is the currency that drives intelligent decision-making. Advanced data analytics tools enable businesses to glean actionable insights from vast amounts of customer data, allowing for more informed and strategic decisions. Data analytics stands out, with a significant 78% of companies seeing loyalty gains and 79% reporting profit improvements.

Analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and feedback empowers businesses to identify trends, predict future needs, and tailor their offerings accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures that customer experiences are personalized, relevant, and timely. For example, predictive analytics can help businesses anticipate peak shopping periods and optimize inventory, ensuring that customers find what they’re looking for when they need it.

Only 3% of businesses have yet to adopt data analytics, showcasing its widespread acceptance. This widespread adoption highlights how crucial data-driven insights have become in staying competitive and meeting evolving customer demands. As more organizations leverage data analytics, those still lagging behind this CX trend risk missing out on significant opportunities to enhance efficiency and deliver better customer experiences.

CX trends for immersive customer engagement: Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and metaverse.

AR/VR are powerful tools for enhancing customer engagement. These technologies create immersive experiences that can transform how customers interact with products and services.

For example, in the retail sector, AR allows customers to visualize products in their own space before buying, reducing uncertainty and boosting confidence. VR, on the other hand, can transport customers to virtual showrooms or provide immersive tutorials, offering a level of engagement that static images and videos simply can’t match. Adoption of AR/VR remains limited, with only 13% of companies seeing loyalty improvements and 16% reporting profit gains. A significant 68% have not explored this technology, indicating there’s still a lot of room for growth.

The metaverse is still in its infancy; however, these platforms are quickly becoming a CX trend and a key way for customers to engage with brands. Start exploring this space by running small experiments, gathering insights, and learning from customer feedback to refine the approach. Currently, only 10% of companies report loyalty benefits, and 11% seeing profit gains. A large 71% have not started leveraging this technology, but it’s certainly an area of future growth.

CX trends 2024: Takeaways.

The journey to superior customer experience is an ongoing one, and in 2024, it’s clear that technology will be the guiding force shaping how businesses engage with their customers. Generative AI, journey orchestration, data analytics, AR/VR, and the metaverse are not just CX trends, they’re transformative forces that are redefining the customer journey.

Customer service managers must stay informed and be ready to integrate these technologies responsibly and effectively. As AI becomes more integrated into customer interactions, addressing ethical considerations and transparency in AI usage is pivotal.

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Celia Cerdeira

Celia Cerdeira

Célia Cerdeira has more than 20 years experience in the contact center industry. She imagines, designs, and brings to life the right content for awesome customer journeys. When she's not writing, you can find her chilling on the beach enjoying a freshly squeezed juice and reading a novel by some of her favorite authors.