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Talkdesk customer Xenial




Einzelhandel & Konsumgüter
Informationstechnologie & Dienstleistungen




17x ↑ Lösung beim ersten Anruf

Xenial steigert mit Talkdesk die Lösung beim ersten Anruf um das 17fache.

For more than thirty years, Xenial has partnered with leading quick service and fast casual restaurants to employ best-of-breed restaurant technologies to grow their businesses.

If you’ve ever stopped at a quick-service restaurant like McDonald’s, Burger King or Tim Horton’s, chances are you’ve unknowingly experienced Xenial running behind the scenes. By leveraging Xenial’s end-to-end enterprise platform, restaurants use real-time and historical data to improve quality of service, increase customer engagement and ultimately grow revenue. 

„Unser gesamter Schulungsprozess dauert zwei Tage, wobei die Talkdesk-Schulung davon nur etwa 15 Minuten dieser Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Das ist der beste Beweis für die Einfachheit der Lösung.“

Mike Zarzeka, SVP of Information Technology and Systems

With more than 25,000 restaurants in over 62 countries using Xenial’s suite of solutions, Xenial has transformed the way quick service restaurants operate. Learn more on how Xenial partners with Talkdesk to ensure success.

Mike Zarzeka, Xenial SVP of Information Technology and Systems

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By leveraging a cloud-native enterprise contact center platform, Xenial ensures callers are routed to the right agent at the right time and has increased first call resolution by 17x.

Talkdesk customer Xenial

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