Additional terms for Services provided within the EEA and/or the UK.

To the extent that Talkdesk provides Customer with Services within the EEA and/or the UK which are subject to the applicable national laws implementing Directive 2018/1972 (the European Electronic Communications Code (“EECC”)) and that Customer is a microenterprise, small enterprise or not-for-profit organization according to the EECC, Customer hereby expressly agrees to waive any rights that it may have under the following provisions of the EECC, as they are implemented by the applicable national laws:
- Article 102(1) EECC, which entitles Customer to receive certain pre-contractual
information on a durable medium; - Article 102(3) EECC, which entitles Customer to receive a contract summary;
- Article 102(5) EECC, which entitles Customer to be offered a facility to monitor service usage and to receive a notice before a consumption limit is reached;
- Article 105(1) EECC, which limits the maximum contract duration to 24 month;
- Article 107(1) EECC, which extends certain rights under the EECC (including Articles 102(3) and 105(1)) to all services provided under the same bundle; and
- Article 107(3) EECC, which provides that any subscription to additional services shall not extend the original duration of the contract.
Please find the integral text of Articles 102 (1) (3) (5), 105 (1) and 107 (1) (3) of the ECC here.