Contact Center Trends

6 Contact Center Features That Make Customer Experience Effortless

By Alison Jarris

0 min read

When Talkdesk puts together our long-term feature roadmap, we put a lot of thought into where contact center executives want to go in the future and build a product that will give them the tools they need to execute on their vision. Part of this exercise includes reviewing the results of Deloitte’s 2017 Global Contact Center Survey to see how these executives responded to questions about their priorities for the next couple of years.

One of the big findings of the recent Deloitte survey was that customer experience is going to be defined by making customer interactions “effortless.” From a high level, this is a goal we’ve always tried to achieve. When we build our product, we’re focusing on our customers’ customers, designing our contact center to give them the best experience.

The survey goes on to break down the individual ways that contact centers will capture customer feedback to evaluate their experience. It’s no surprise that a majority of these channels involve monitoring customer behavior and learning from them by observing how they use the product.

A lot of the common channels for collecting user feedback are already built into Talkdesk’s contact center platform. Beyond those, we’re working on some exciting new tools that allow companies to let their users determine product direction. Here’s a breakdown of six Talkdesk features that allow our customers to incorporate feedback from their customers without causing them extra effort:


Collecting customer satisfaction is not a new idea, it’s traditionally been a high-effort way for companies to track customer interactions. Usually, customers have to stay on the line after an issue has been resolved and then answer a range of questions. No one wants to do that. Instead of accepting the low response rate of the traditional CSAT survey, Talkdesk implemented a simple, quantitative SMS survey that only requires customers to rate their interaction on a 1-to-5 scale. The resulting response rate has increased by as much as 30%.


While plenty of companies measure how the customer feels about their interactions, there’s another element of the conversation that is often going unmeasured – the agent’s perspective. To add another level of information about customer interactions, Talkdesk added a short quantitative survey called Mood to our Sentiment suite of tools to track the agent’s feedback.

Voice Analytics

Some of Talkdesk’s new AppConnect partners are creating cutting-edge voice analytics tools that will use transcription, tone and other tools to monitor conversations in real time and give the agent feedback on the customer. Tools like TalkIQ and Simple Emotion require no additional effort from the customer, but allow the agent to better understand the flow of the conversation. Talkdesk’s AgentAssist™ and SalesAssist™ tools will even monitor a conversation and suggest assets that will help a customer or prospect based on their specific needs. These new tools are an excellent way to let AI enhance conversations without any new customer effort.


Too many support conversations start out with a high level of customer effort. They have to go through an IVR, explain their issue to an agent, then wait while they’re transferred to another agent and explain their issue again. Only after all that effort do they even begin to resolve their issue. It’s exhausting. Talkdesk’s Context provides information about customer activity to an agent, so they start the conversation with an understanding of what the caller wants to do. It’s an easy way to fast forward past the high-effort portions of the discussion and get right to the resolution.


Companies traditionally offer a handful of support channels – phone, email, chat, etc., but information isn’t shared across channels. Switching from one channel to another might cause a customer to have to start their process all over again. With an Omnichannel approach, customer can enter a conversation with a company through any channel that they’re comfortable using and move channels depending on the urgency and emotion of the situation.

Call Recordings

Sometimes the best way to train agents is to have them listen to their calls with their manager so they can get feedback on what they are doing well and what they can improve. That’s why Talkdesk allows customers to record calls. When combined with voice analytics that can pinpoint crucial moments in a conversation, these recordings can be an extremely valuable tool.

All of these tools are designed to raise the quality of your customer experience without requiring anything new from your customers. Providing an effortless experience is more a mindset than a collection of tools, so it requires constant work to achieve. To learn more about some of Talkdesk’s innovative new tools to increase CX, click the button below.


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Alison Jarris

Alison was Senior Manager of Content Marketing at Talkdesk. When she's not writing and editing she's probably running in the Presidio or reading Haruki Murakami.