Talkdesk makes history

By Kathie Johnson
0 min read

How a brand can fuel product innovation, ignite international momentum, and empower human connection.
Making history together: 10 years and 18 months. What’s the relevance of both of these? Talkdesk is entering its next decade, and I’ve just completed my first 18 months as chief marketing officer (CMO).
I joined Talkdesk because I was inspired by the vision Tiago Paiva, Talkdesk chief executive officer (CEO), had to completely revolutionize customer experience (CX). However, my values are what led me to Talkdesk—and they are why I am as deeply committed today to the company’s success as I was in November 2019.
Being a values-driven person, I leaned into the Talkdesk values when it was time to prepare the company for its next decade of transformational growth. Talkdesk has five core values that focus on courageous innovation; customer obsession; diversity, equity, and inclusion; trust and transparency; and community and environmental giving. These values embody the founding Talkdesk pursuits of innovation and creativity, and they echo Tiago’s desire to challenge the old status quo to help our customers thrive and grow.
I remember listening to an interview Tiago did in his early days as Talkdesk CEO, and I was struck by how he had always dreamed of a better way. A better way to do customer service that creates a better way to give customers the experience they deserve.
That continuous search for a better way has been the thread in every moment of the company’s journey, and it is what led us to today—the beginning of a new, exciting chapter in Talkdesk history. A better way to exceptional customer experience begins here—in this moment—with Talkdesk.
"This brand relaunch is more than a new logo or color palette. It is about how a brand can fuel product innovation, ignite international momentum, and empower human connection."
We are known as disruptive leaders who always approach things a little differently, so this brand relaunch is more than just about a new logo or color palette. It is about how a brand can fuel product innovation, ignite international momentum, and empower human connection. It is about Talkdesk employees at every level, in every team around the world, walking hand-in-hand, side-by-side, living, and exemplifying our new tagline: Experience. A better way.
I am so proud to introduce the world to the new Talkdesk brand and product innovations that will carry us well into the next phase of transformational growth, inclusive of:
- A reimagined logo and tagline, reflecting our commitment to helping companies connect every engagement moment into customer journeys that are personalized, productive, and profitable.
- A bold new corporate identity with a fresh purple color palette and updated brand elements, featuring inclusive and diverse visual representations and illustrations that reflect the importance of human connection.
- A new Talkdesk website and five new local language websites—Brazilian and European Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German, making our content more accessible to people around the world.
- The first global advertising program for Talkdesk with the theme “We should talk,” representing the conversations we want to help companies have with their customers by unlocking the promise and potential of great customer experience.
- Two new CX product innovations—Talkdesk Workspace and Talkdesk Builder—that together allow enterprises to build highly personalized and customized contact centers that make it easier for everyone from supervisors to agents to deliver a better customer experience.
- A new industry solution, Talkdesk Lending Solution, to help lenders accelerate loan cycles and elevate the borrower experience by minimizing friction and putting borrowers at the forefront of every loan.
Making all of this happen on one day took the entire Talkdesk family, and we had fun building this together. This is a company that disrupted the customer service space 10 years ago and today continues to transform customer experience.
I invite you to join me in raising a glass, celebrating a decade of achievement, thanking our customers, partners, and our employees who all helped make Talkdesk the company we are today, and who are instrumental for the path ahead.
Let’s #ExperienceABetterWay.