Evento do setor

Expo Relación Cliente 2023

Kinépolis, Madrid
Nov. 22 – 23, 2023

Events Hero Expo Relacion Client 2023

Expo Relación Cliente with Talkdesk.

Talkdesk is delighted to be sponsoring the next edition of Expo Customer Relations. It will take place at Kinépolis, Ciudad de la Imagen, in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) on November 22 and 23.
It’s a must-attend event for Professionals in Customer Relations and the #ContactCenter industry. Don’t miss it!

Visit us at booth #25 to talk to our CX experts and see our solutions in action. Speak with one of our experts and get a demo of our AI-powered cloud contact center.

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Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to Pedro Andrade, Vice President of AI and Digital Channels at Talkdesk, speaking on how to “Supercharge contact centre efficiency with generative AI” during the Expo.

Call Contact Centre Expo Speaker3

Aumentar a eficiência do contact center com IA generativa.

Kinépolis, Madrid
Nov. 22 – 23, 2023

O surgimento da IA generativa está a impulsionar uma mudança de paradigma fundamental para as empresas, expandindo rapidamente o que é possível e acelerando a adoção empresarial. No contact center, a IA generativa pode desvendar o potencial de automatizar casos complexos de uso de clientes e melhorar significativamente a qualidade das conversas de self-service.

Join Pedro Andrade, Vice President of AI and Digital Channels at Talkdesk, to learn how a contact centre platform layered with generative AI helps you:

  • Aumentar a eficiência dos agentes e reduzir o tempo médio de tratamento com conhecimento generativo em tempo real e resumos automáticos.
  • Aumentar a fidelidade e a satisfação identificando automaticamente as tendências de tópicos e sentimentos em cada conversa com o cliente.
  • Reduzir o custo de proporcionar excelentes experiências ao cliente automatizando as conversas mais complexas com os clientes.
  • Capacitar os utilizadores finais para tirarem partido da IA de forma segura e eficaz com poderosas ferramentas sem código.
Supercharge Your Digital Strategy

Vamos conversar!

Spend 30 minutes with one of our AI experts to discuss how to leverage AI in the contact centre to advance your company’s goals and objectives.

Building on our market-leading contact centre AI,  we’ve infused generative AI throughout CX Cloud™ and the Industry Experience Clouds™ empowering organisations to take customer experiences to the next level. With robust safeguards built in, brands can confidently make the most of generative AI driving significant impact on cost reduction and operational efficiency.

Imagine contact centre AI that actually:

  • Improves self-service with laser-precise, automated responses.
  • Creates new virtual agents and automations in just a few clicks.
  • Reduces after call work up to 66% and average handle time up to 15%.
  • Provides complete visibility and control with simple tools to prevent any potential AI harm or discrimination.

Your path to better customer experience starts here. Choose your preferred time.