Tendencias en Centros de Contacto

7 pasos para saber moverse por el inestable panorama de la experiencia del cliente

By Taylor Johnson

0 min de lectura

7 Steps To Navigate The Changing Cx Landscape

La pandemia está obligando a las empresas a replantearse su manera de abordar e invertir en CX

Los líderes empresariales llevan años recurriendo a la tecnología para mejorar las interacciones con los clientes, pero la pandemia ha acelerado la transformación de la experiencia de cliente (CX). Los responsables de CX se ven obligados a replantearse su manera de abordar e invertir en CX.

CX is critical to every business, but before the benefits of a successful CX strategy can be felt, business leaders must be capable of quantifying and measuring CX. Customer satisfaction (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS) and customer effort score (CES) are important KPIs, but because they do not directly translate to cost savings, these metrics often do not resonate with executives outside of their organization.

Hay tres áreas principales que deben medirse para demostrar cómo la CX impulsa los resultados empresariales: 

  1. Generación de ingresos
  2. Reducción de costes
  3. Ahorro de costes

The third area—cost savings—is where the ebook How to Prioritize CX in a Cost-Cutting Environment places its focus. CX leaders must be able to draw a clear line between CX initiatives and cost savings in order to succeed in a cost-cutting environment.

La construcción de un caso de negocio para CX

Para navegar con éxito en el cambiante panorama de la CX, son varios los pasos que debe seguir para construir un caso de negocio efectivo. Comienza con el desarrollo de una comprensión de los "costes del cliente" y cómo utilizarlos para crear un modelo simple de ROI que impulse su negocio:

  • Paso 1: Understand interaction trends.
    Interactions between customers and agents generate rich data that is stored in the contact center. Analyze and develop an understanding of these trends.
  • Step 2: Assign costs to these trends.
    Assign a cost to each of these interaction types by multiplying the number of calls by the cost per call.
  • Step 3: Get to the “why.”
    Once common trends or themes for calls have been identified (step 1), it’s important to understand the root cause of why they persist.
  • Step 4: Design an action plan.
    When you’ve identified the root causes of common customer issues, create an action plan to address them.
  • Step 5: Make reasonable assumptions.
    After developing a bird’s eye view of common customer problems and identifying the root cause for each, prepare a reasonable assumption as to how many of these problems can be solved (thereby reducing the total amount of calls coming in).
  • Step 6: Establish the projections.
    Now, it’s time to calculate the potential benefit of solving these common customer problems by reducing the frequency of incoming calls related to them.
  • Step 7: Measure the impact.
    Finally, measure the impact after putting this plan in place.

Si bien es cierto que duplicar los beneficios de la CX y vincularlos a un ROI medible son los primeros pasos para construir un caso de negocio convincente y justificable para la inversión continua en CX, esto solo puede llevar a una organización hasta un cierto punto si esta no ha implementado la tecnología adecuada.

If you want to learn more about each of these steps and how to build a quantifiable business case for CX—as well as how to identify and adopt the right technologies to execute on it—download the How to prioritize CX in a cost-cutting environment ebook.

How To Prioritize Cx In A Cost Cutting Environment

libro electrónico

Cómo priorizar la experiencia del cliente en un entorno de reducción de costes


Taylor Johnson

Taylor es director de marketing de producto en Talkdesk. Vive en San Francisco y le encanta explorar la ciudad en busca de la mejor comida en cada barrio.