Px Revolution Healthcare

La posta in gioco per offrire una migliore Patient Experience è in continuo aumento nel settore della salute

Come rivelato in un nuovo rapporto di Talkdesk Research™, le aspettative più elevate dei pazienti stanno aumentando la posta in gioco per quanto riguarda la PX

Talkdesk Research focuses on delivering industry-leading thought leadership on customer experience. The Patient Experience (PX) Revolution in Healthcare represents the second report in a series on how experiences are evolving across industries. In developing this report, we surveyed almost 700 patients and more than 160 patient experience (PX) professionals to understand the changing dynamics of PX in healthcare. We heard the same thing over and over: patients expect more out of their experience with healthcare providers and the stakes are rising to meet that expectation.

Patient Experience Revolution Healthcare

Per gli operatori sanitari questo è un momento cruciale per reinventare la patient experience. 

For further detail into the evolving landscape of patient experience, download the full report, The Patient Experience (PX) Revolution in Healthcare.

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The PX Revolution in Healthcare